Where to even begin?!
Anger is such a taboo emotion, yet it is part of each and everyone's human nature!
The important thing is to know how to cope with your anger and to use it to your advantage.
Anger is one of human's basic emotions. Typically, a person feels angry when they have encountered frustrating and/or threatening experiences. It also serves as a secondary emotion to other emotions, more often pain or fear. Anger is a natural response and it creates physical changes in the body such as increased heart rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline which prepares us for flight or fight responses.
When does anger become a problem?
Below is a worksheet that can help you analyze your relationship with your anger.
Please share with loved ones and people that you know could benefit from this. Also let me know how this helped you, or didn't help you. Open to suggestions. Here to help you out.
